Shipping API Postman collection

The Postman collection for the Shipping API is a packaged and downloadable bundle of REST API requests that take you from creating a consignment through to manifesting.


Postman is a free cross-platform API client app that allows you to experiment easily with API requests.

You can download Postman for Mac, Windows, or Linux.


The Postman extension for Google Chrome is deprecated and should not be used as an alternative to the Postman app.

Downloading the collection

You can download the collection by clicking

Run in Postman

Using the collection

If you want to use the Postman collection, you will need to use an API key to make any API requests.

API key options

You have two API key options for using the collection.

Option Description Benefit
Use API key provided with collection The Postman collection is provided with an environment that includes an API key.

The environment includes includes all of the configuration and static data for a fictitious shipper.

You will not have to modify any of the requests in the collection.
Use your own API key By not using the environment provided with the collection, you will have to modify some of the parameters in many of the requests included in the collection. You can try out the collection using your own Metapack shipper account.

Using your own API key

You have two options for entering your API key in the collection.

Entering your API key manually

Complete the following steps:

  1. In the Type list on the Authorization tab of the collection, select Basic Auth .
    This is necessary because the Shipping API uses basic access authentication method, so you must provide an Authorization request header with the Basic prefix followed by a Base64-encoded <username>:<password> string.
  2. In the Username field, enter your username .
  3. In the Password field, enter your password .

Using the Variables tab

Enter your API key as variables.


Postman recommends using this approach for managing sensitive data if you are working in a collaborative environment.

Running the collection

You use the Postman Collection Runner to send your API requests and view the responses.


To learn about the basics of sending API requests in Postman, go to Sending your first request.