Getting started with Tracking API using Postman


Import Tracking API:

  • Open Postman desktop application.
  • Import Tracking API specification into Postman.
  • After the import is complete, Metapack Tracking API will be available in Postman APIs section.

Configure Tracking API credentials:

  • Open Metapack Tracking API from Postman APIs section.
  • Navigate to the Auth tab of the API.
  • Select the Basic Auth type of authentication.
  • Fill in the API Key as the Username and the API Secret as the Password .
  • Configure the authorisation type to Inherit auth from parent for all resources in the API.

Test Tracking API credentials:

  • Open Metapack Tracking API from Postman APIs section.
  • Open the GET resource in parcel-journeys subfolder of the API.
  • Verify that the baseUrl of the API is configured to target sandbox.
  • Send a request to Retrieve the parcel journeys for an order or a parcel
  • The API should respond successfully with 200 OK response code and an empty JSON array [] in the response body.