Tracking API changelog

1.0.13 (March 2024)

The API presents location name for scan when provided by the carrier.

The location name is available in the eventLocation.location object of the parcel journey.

The location name is available in the eventLocation.location object of the webhook notification.

1.0.12 (January 2024)

The API presents the latest delivery window for a parcel when retrieving the parcel journey with the aim of improving the delivery experience for a consumer.

It uses the delivery window from the most recent scan when provided by the carrier.

The delivery window is available in the delivery.deliveryWindow object of the parcel journey.

1.0.11 (December 2023)

The API no longer requires the order reference Order.orderRef on the order object when creating/updating a delivery or a deliveryLeg.

1.0.10 (June 2023)

The API no longer returns the deprecated object Order.notificationPreferences on the Retrieve the parcel journeys for an order or parcel request.

1.0.9 (June 2023)

The API version 1.0.9 now accepts a new optional header Shipper-Id when ingesting orders and parcels information by means of Delivery and DeliveryLeg.

Note: This header is reserved for Metapack use only.

1.0.8 (June 2023)

The API version 1.0.8 now requires Collection.storeDetailsURL, Product.pageURL, Images.desktop and to all be HTTPS formatted URIs.

1.0.7 (June 2023)

The API version 1.0.7 automatically replaces the {brandName} token in the exception message of the tracking events with the brand from the parcel journey.

1.0.6 (May 2023)

The API version 1.0.6 updates the list of languages that support localisation.

The language code is provided using the Accept-Language request header on the Retrieve the parcel journeys for an order or parcel request.

The new supported language codes are:

  • ja-JP (Japanese)
  • ko-KR (Korean)
  • zh-CN (Chinese)

1.0.5 (May 2023)

The API version 1.0.5 adds the delivery events to the parcel journeys for the corresponding order or parcel, each event linked via the delivery reference.

The tracking events returned in the parcel journey, located in ParcelJourney.trackingEvents and ParcelJourney.latestTrackingStatus, now include the delivery reference in TrackingEvent.deliveryRef as supplied in the DeliveryEvent.deliveryRef.

1.0.4 (February 2023)

The API version 1.0.4 updates the list of languages that support localisation.

The language code is provided using the Accept-Language request header on the Retrieve the parcel journeys for an order or parcel request.

The list of supported language codes are:

  • bg-BG (Bulgarian)
  • cs-CZ (Czech)
  • da-DK (Danish)
  • de-DE (German)
  • en-US (English - United States)
  • en-GB (English - United Kingdom)
  • es-ES (Spanish)
  • fi-FI (Finnish)
  • fr-FR (French)
  • hr-HR (Croatian)
  • hu-HU (Hungarian)
  • it-IT (Italian)
  • nb-NO (Norwegian)
  • nl-NL (Dutch)
  • pl-PL (Polish)
  • pt-PT (Portuguese)
  • ro-RO (Romanian)
  • sv-SE (Swedish)
  • tr-TR (Turkish)

1.0.3 (January 2023)

The API version 1.0.3 enables merchants to directly provide the URL of the carrier tracking website for their parcels.

The URL can be provided by means of DeliveryLeg using DeliveryLeg.carrierTrackingURL.

1.0.2 (November 2022)

The API no longer returns the deprecated field ParcelDeliveryLeg.consignmentTrackingIdentifier on the Retrieve the parcel journeys for an order or parcel request.

1.0.1 (July 2022)

The API supports localisation for German and Spanish languages.

The language code is provided using the Accept-Language request header on the Retrieve the parcel journeys for an order or parcel request.

The list of supported language codes are:

  • de-DE (German)
  • es-ES (Spanish)

1.0.0 (May 2022)

The Tracking API is now at version 1.0.0, no longer a release candidate.