Create a manifest for future despatch

If you expect a large number of orders to go out on a particular day in the future, but you want to leave sufficient time to pack and process them beforehand, you can create a manifest for future despatch.

Create manifest request

You need the following to make a create manifest request.

Parameter Value Description
status READY TO MANIFEST The consignment lifecycle status.
carrierCode The carrier identifier. This is included in a successful response after a consignment is allocated.

The code of the shipping location (warehouse) for which the manifest is to be created.

Use the Get your warehouses operation to find the desired code.

Using the Create a manifest for future despatch operation, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the carrierCode of the consignment.
  2. Enter the shippingLocationCode for the warehouse for which the manifest is to be created.
  3. Optional: Enter the following additional information:
    • Trailer identifier ( manifestGroupCode )
    • Transaction type
    • Despatch date

Example request

POST /shipping/v1/manifests HTTP/1.1
API-Key: Basic Base64-encoded <username>:<password>
Content-Type: application/json

    "carrierCode": "ROYALMAIL",
    "shippingLocationCode": "default",
    "transactionType": "delivery",
    "manifestGroupCode": "ABCD",
    "despatchDate": "2021-11-30T14:25:11.265Z",
    "specificDateOnly": false

Create manifest response

201 (Created)

The result is as follows.

Parameter Value Description
status MANIFESTED After the status of a consignment changes from READY TO MANIFEST to MANIFESTED, the consignment cannot move back to READY TO MANIFEST or another earlier status, and the consignment cannot be deleted.
despatchDate If the despatchDate of the manifest is today's date, the manifest is transmitted to the specified carrier (the trigger is an electronic file exchange).
manifestCode This is the unique identifier of the manifest inside the Metapack Platform. You will need to use the manifestCode if you want to generate paperwork for the manifest.

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