Create a manifest for future despatch
If you expect a large number of orders to go out on a particular day in the future, but you want to leave sufficient time to pack and process them beforehand, you can create a manifest for future despatch.
Create manifest request
You need the following to make a create manifest request.
Parameter |
Value |
Description |
status |
The consignment lifecycle status. |
carrierCode |
The carrier identifier. This is included in a successful response after a consignment is allocated. | |
shippingLocationCode |
The code of the shipping location (warehouse) for which the manifest is to be created. Use the Get your warehouses operation to find the desired code. |
Using the Create a manifest for future despatch operation, complete the following steps:
Enter the
of the consignment. -
Enter the
for the warehouse for which the manifest is to be created. -
Enter the following additional information:
Trailer identifier (
) - Transaction type
- Despatch date
Trailer identifier (
Example request
POST /shipping/v1/manifests HTTP/1.1
API-Key: Basic Base64-encoded <username>:<password>
Content-Type: application/json
"carrierCode": "ROYALMAIL",
"shippingLocationCode": "default",
"transactionType": "delivery",
"manifestGroupCode": "ABCD",
"despatchDate": "2021-11-30T14:25:11.265Z",
"specificDateOnly": false
Create manifest response
The result is as follows.
Parameter |
Value |
Description |
status |
After the status of a consignment changes from READY TO MANIFEST to MANIFESTED , the consignment cannot move back to READY TO MANIFEST or another earlier status, and the consignment cannot be deleted. |
despatchDate |
If the despatchDate of the manifest is today's date, the manifest is transmitted to the specified carrier (the trigger is an electronic file exchange). |
manifestCode |
This is the unique identifier of the manifest inside the Metapack Platform. You will need to use the manifestCode if you want to generate paperwork for the manifest. |