Flag consignment manifest readiness

If you are using the PRINTED status in your shipping workflow, you can flag a consignment as either manifest-ready or not manifest-ready.

Flagging manifest-readiness applies only if you want to indicate that a consignment with the PRINTED status is now ready for manifesting. You can also indicate that a consignment is not (no longer) manifest-ready and thus change the status of the consignment back to PRINTED.


For more information about PRINTED, see Consignment lifecycle.

Flag manifest readiness request

You need the following to make a flag manifest readiness request.

Parameter Value Description
status PRINTED (if manifest-ready) or
READY TO MANIFEST (if not manifest-ready)
The consignment lifecycle status.
consignmentCode The consignment identifier generated by Metapack when a consignment is created.

To verify the status of the consignment, use the Get a consignment operation with the consignmentCode.

Using the Flag consignment manifest readiness operation, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the consignmentCode of the consignment.
  2. Use query string parameter readyToShip=true to flag the consignment as manifest-ready, or use readyToShip=false to flag the consignment as not (no longer) manifest-ready (whichever is applicable).

Example request

POST /shipping/v1/consignments/{consignmentCode}/status?readyToShip=true HTTP/1.1
Host: api.metapack.com
API-Key: Basic Base64-encoded <username>:<password>
Content-Type: application/json

Flag manifest readiness response

204 (No Content)

The result is as follows.

Parameter Status Description
readyToShip=true PRINTED
changes to

You can add the consignment to a manifest.

You can also reallocate or delete the consignment, or add parcels to it. Adding a parcel will change the status to ALLOCATED. Modifying the consignment will require deleting its allocation, which will change the status to UNALLOCATED.

readyToShip=false READY TO MANIFEST
changes to

You can reallocate or delete the consignment, or add parcels to it. Adding a parcel will change the status to ALLOCATED.

Modifying the consignment will require deleting its allocation, which will change the status to UNALLOCATED.

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