Get the paperwork of a consignment

If you want the paperwork for a consignment to be made available at a packing bench, you can generate labels and customs documentation for an allocated consignment.

If you elect to create a consignment, use shipping rules to allocate it, and get paperwork for it, you might not need to use this operation. However, if a consignment is changed after the paperwork is generated, you would use this operation to generate updated paperwork.

Get consignment paperwork request

You need the following to make a get consignment paperwork request.

Parameter Value Description
status ALLOCATED or
The consignment lifecycle status.
consignmentCode The consignment identifier generated by Metapack when a consignment is created.

Using the Get consignment paperwork operation, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the consignmentCode of the consignment.
  2. Use the query parameters to specify the desired paperwork type and format.

Example requests

Label in PNG format

GET /shipping/v1/consignments/{consignmentCode}/paperwork?dimension=6x4&format=png&type=label&resolution=200 HTTP/1.1
API-Key: Basic Base64-encoded <username>:<password>
Content-Type: application/json

Customs documents in PDF format

GET /shipping/v1/consignments/{consignmentCode}/paperwork?dimension=6x4&format=pdf&type=documentation HTTP/1.1
API-Key: Basic Base64-encoded <username>:<password>
Content-Type: application/json

Get consignment paperwork response

200 (OK)

A successful response will include one or more paperwork strings, which are used to generate the specified paperwork.

A successful response means the following:

  • If the status of the consignment was ALLOCATED , generating the paperwork and then printing the label will change the status to READY TO MANIFEST . However, if the status of the consignment was ALLOCATED before the paperwork is generated but the label is not printed, the status will not change.
  • If the status of a consignment is PRINTED or READY TO MANIFEST before the paperwork is generated, the status will not change.

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